We hope that you can join us for our wedding weekend at the Villa Monaciano! We'll be hosting events throughout the weekend and are asking all of our guests to stay on-site at the villa and surrounding country houses. There is plenty of space to accommodate all of our guests and everyone staying together is something we’re really looking forward to about our wedding.

The cost for accommodation will be approx. $250 per person and bookings will be managed by the bride and groom. The bride and groom will follow up via email with accommodation assignments and payment instructions following the RSVP deadline. 

Check-in will begin Thursday at 4:00 pm and check-out will be required by Sunday at 10:00 am. Other event times and details are subject to change -- and more are to come!

PS - If you’ll be joining us, don’t forget to ensure your passport is up-to-date and hasn’t expired. If you need to renew, we recommend doing so now!